Speaking at NDC Oslo 2015

This year I got the change to give a talk at the NDC Oslo 2015 about using StatsD to measure your application's performance. Giving a really long talk to a big crowd of non-native dutch attendee's was quite the feat! I had a load of fun and learned a ton.


The NDC (Former: Norwegian Developer Conference, Now: New Developer Conference) is an annually hosted conference originating from Oslo but now with spinoffs in London and Australia next year. The focus of the conference is mainly .NET developer oriented but with the increasing popularity for F# now is also expanding the type of talks. The days are long (9:00-19:00) and the diversity in talks is huge (9+ parallel tracks!). Together with the speaker dinner first day, the party the second day it makes for a really intense three day long conference packed with fun and brilliant idea's.

The talk which i gave at NDC:

Knowledge is power! The guide to measure what matters

How do you monitor the key performance indicators of your application? Do you know if signups are decreasing versus last week? Have you adopted agile principles but also a hard time to monitor the improvements of your continuous deployments? In this talk we will briefly discuss multiple measuring solutions before diving into the nitty-gritty details of measuring with the help of StatsD. We will implement a few counters and timers and graph these so we can start to make sense of the data. Then we will use powerful functions to analyse the data and spot trends before your users do.

After this talk you will be empowered to create your own data metrics with help of StatsD and have basic knowledge how to plot these metrics into meaningfull graphs. Be empowered!

Code examples will be in C# but technology demonstrated is not limited to this.

Slides & Recording